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Success Stories

Healthcare – Operating Room


In hospital operations, accurate and timely communication is imperative, and technology has long played a significant role in streamlining this effort. Until recently, this technology has been cumbersome and at times unreliable. New tablet PCs, however, are streamlining communications and operations in the Healthcare field, enabling real-time data transfer and making it more accessible – particularly important in emergency Healthcare scenarios.

Operating Room

Digital images viewed on one display station should look the same when viewed on another station. This has found to be difficult with inconsistent low level calibrated HD monitors. Adding to the difficulties are the broad categories of patient images used in Healthcare practices; radiology images, motion video or still video images used in endoscopy, surgical, ophthalmology. Radiology images and Healthcare video images have different performance, color calibration and details clarity requirements. Unfortunately, most HD monitors in the market, don't provide the highest clarity and color accuracy desired. The latest 4K Healthcare monitors from Winmate are solving this problem with the highest quality imaging and state-of-the-art technology. This facilitates an ideal situation for health care professionals. Peace of mind, knowing that their equipment is of the highest clarity and color accuracy, allows them to focus on providing patients with better care, manage other resources to optimize their operations – allowing them to reduce costs and liability.

Operating Room display Application
Operating Room Application

Application Diagram

Healthcare – Operating Room Application