EACIL67 and USB Type-C Display are connected using cable
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Published on 28 Feb, 2019

Winmate USB Type-C Solution on Rugged PC Review

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Winmate’s newly designed USB Type-C Solution - featuring the EACIL67 and USB Type-C Display has recently been reviewed by The solution contains an IoT Gateway Box PC with USB Type-C Alt Mode, giving the USB Type-C Display power, touch input, and video signal. Below are several excerpts on what the editor-in-chief Conrad H. Blickenstorfer has to say about this latest technology. For the full detailed review including a technical breakdown of the EACIL67 and 10.1” USB Type-C Display, please visit the RuggedPC review page here:
Winmate USB Type-C Solution Review

Review extract:
Super-compact, IP67-sealed industrial IoT gateway with USB Type-C video, data, and power Alt Modes
(by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer)

In this article we're examining Winmate Inc's new (as of early 2019) EAC Mini EACIL67 industrial IoT gateway computer. What's an industrial IoT gateway? It is a small, reliable PC used to share, filter and transport data from sensors up to higher level intelligent systems and from there to the cloud. The Winmate EACIL67 can do all that and more. And there are also several things that set it apart from your average IoT gateway.
  • IP67 — It carries a full IP67 ingress protection rating. That means it's dustproof and waterproof as well, even with full immersion.
  • USB-C —The EACIL67 has a USB-C port that supports audio/video, USB data and power all in one cable.
This means that the Winmate EAC Mini EACIL67 isn't only completely immune to the elements, but it can also run (and power) a compatible USB Type-C display, such as Winmate's W10L100-GCH2-C, through one single cable.
What began as a much appreciated solution to a decades-old annoyance — a better USB connector — has grown into a versatile connectivity solution that reduces the number of cables.

Fewer cables is always better, and with its innovative USB Type-C solutions, Winmate is putting this new interface technology to work.

In this example, on the one side there's an almost impossibly small, tough and rugged and fully sealed industrial computer — the Winmate EAC Mini EACIL67 IoT gateway — that can be mounted anywhere. On the other a robust display that gets its video, audio, USB and power all through a single thin cable — Winmate's W10L100-GCH2-C USB Type-C Display. Makes perfect sense. — Conrad Blickenstorfer, February 2019
IoT Gateway EACIL67 USB Type-C Display Series
IoT Gateway EACIL67 USB Type-C Display Series
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