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AI Technologies to Battle against the COVID-19


Machine learning, data science and valuable insights on the frontier battling against viral pandemics.

AI technologies that not so long ago called “futuristic” are proving to be an effective tool contributing to fight pandemic amid healthcare and public health applications. From pharmacology, medical and hospital care to public places monitoring and control use a broad range of AI technologies to predict, explain, and manage the different scenarios caused by the health crisis. Data insights help to make progress and deliver results.

Virus research and development centers

Research institutions and development centers all over the world are getting on board, developing AI algorithms to target specific issues that have arisen as a result of the pandemic. The products and solutions that have resulted from these efforts have the potential to effectively predict the next infection outbreak, detect and stop the spread of the virus. In Taiwan for example, AI Labs developed a next-generation solution – a medical image screening platform – that uses deep learning to detect coronavirus in a patient’s chest X-rays. The software alerts doctors if the X-ray is found to present pneumonia or SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus. The AI solution has shortened diagnostic time from weeks to minutes. Other research laboratories are working to develop a prediction model to reduce the number of infections in a population.

Healthcare centers and hospitals

Healthcare facilities are now at the front-end of battling the outbreak. AI technologies improve the efficiency and accuracy of their operations. Some new application is a monitoring system that combines infrared sensors for temperature screening and AI to detect face-mask-wearing on an intelligent-edge device placed at the hospital’s entrance. The solution uses the Azure Bot Service to notify the healthcare center or hospital authorities of anybody temperature abnormalities or visitors not wearing masks.

Further machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms allow diagnosing and customizing patient care and follow-up plans to get better results. It is possible to achieve this by utilizing the software, different algorithms, and modern computer hardware. Rugged tablet computers with application-focused features are an effective tool for data collection and real-time communications for all the healthcare workers who are battling against the COVID-19 on the front line helping to check the diagnosis and update patient information in real-time. With versatile and portable devices nurses can easily access patient information any time from any place. The wireless function makes it possible for telehealth or telemedicine applications when nurses can contact doctors for advice, record, and share patient information. This leads to great efficiency improvements and saves time for regular checkups.

Public places

Companies are rapidly adapting to the “new norm” and offering innovative solutions for businesses and public places. Many companies now offer a health monitoring solution - interactive kiosk that combines body temperature control, access control, and personal hygiene tools together in one device – to safeguard our environment from the COVID-19 or possibly another virus or bacterial disease such as seasonal influenza. The new generation of the access control kiosks uses AI technologies to identify infected individuals and feature personal hygiene aid – face mask detection sensor, body temperature sensor, and internal auto-dispenser that dispense gel, foam, or liquid sanitizer. The AI solution also engages machine learning to improve the accuracy of its temperature reads over time.

All of these technologies combine can help smart cities to improve their operations and provide a timely and efficient response during the virus outbreak. Adding AI-powered technologies to hospitals, businesses, public places and already existing Internet-of-Things (IoT) eco-systems where everything is connected is the way to use modern technologies to provide a safe and healthy living. Winmate offers computing technologies for Industrial IoT and AI applications and customized ODM and OEM services to create your unique solution seizing the opportunities.

Learn more: ODM and OEM services


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